Christine DeSavino Photography

The Beach is Back…

Memorial Day Weekend is almost here, so I wanted to kick off the summer with a “Best of the Beach” slideshow of some of my very favorite beach images.  As you know,  the Jersey shore and especially Long Beach Island will always be a magical place for me.  As a kid, I grew up spending...

And The Winner Is… | 2010 Shine A Light On Autism

Before I announce the winner, I’d just like to thank everyone who participated in our “Shine a Light on Autism” campaign.  Your love and dedication are inspiring to me and many others.  The stories were all very poignant and I feel like they really showed the broad spectrum that is autism.  Thank you for helping...

Learning to Give… | Shine a Light on Autism ~ Entry #7

This mother’s appreciation for ‘giving’ is not only evident in what she is teaching her son, but it’s also reflected in what she has taught her daughter. Thanks for sharing your two beautiful gifts with us. Hi, I am the lucky mother, of 2 beautiful kids. My daughter is 8 years old and my son is...

My Hero Frankie… | Shine a Light on Autism ~ Entry #6

The depth of emotion behind the words of this father demonstrates just how deep and profound a father’s love can be… Thank you for sharing Frankie’s giggle with us. My autism awareness story, is one that is no different from the countless others that have been told, sadly by so many others… What makes it...

Believing in Recovery… | Shine a Light on Autism ~ Entry #5

Faith that her child will recover has been this mother’s guiding force… Thank you for sharing your story. I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl on March 2nd, 2004. She was so precious and I took really good care of her. She was a happy child who made all of her milestones on time, and...

Jonathan’s Journey… | Shine a Light on Autism ~ Entry #4

The sheer endurance and commitment of Jonathan’s mother and family is a testament to the power of hope and love. Thank you to Jonathan’s mom  for sharing their story. My son, Jonathan is now 16 years old. Jonathan was diagnosed with autism at an early age (1 1/2). After the initial shock of the diagnosis,...

Wrapping Sara with Love… | Shine a Light on Autism ~ Entry #3

The eloquence with which this story is written exemplifies the profound and unconditional love that an aunt holds for her niece. Thank You Aunt Renée for your sharing words, and for giving your heart. I saw her blank stare when I spoke to her when she was just a toddler. I was afraid to voice my thoughts....


Christine is amazing...the session on the beach was fun and relaxed. She captured our grandson perfectly. We could not have asked for anything more. The images are amazing - I love them all! It is impossible to narrow them down to display. Christine's husband, David, was also great. Thank you, Christine! I would highly recommend Christine DeSavino Photography!

~Martha P

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