Christine DeSavino Photography

Puppy Love | Children’s Photographer | Bergen County, New Jersey

I’ve always preferred big dogs…little dogs were yappy, and I figured you might as well just get a cat (ok – I’m KIDDING!)  But a couple of weeks ago, everything changed;  I fell in love with a Yorkie!  My family and I went up to New Haven, Connecticut to visit some good friends and we met this latest addition to their family.  Her name is Luna.  We brought our dog, Izzy, who is 10 months young with lots of puppy energy…and BIG!   She might have been a little overwhelming for this little lady at times, but all in all the dogs did pretty well together.  My kids loved Luna and are already talking about getting a second dog…and I’m seriously thinking about it.  What’s one more mouth to feed?

How can you resist this face???


Christine, I feel so fortunate that I was able to have YOU capture these sweet memories of my daughters' first weeks of life. The time you took, the warmth you radiate, and the beautiful images you produce are truly gifts.

~Merielle L

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